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Attachment Theory

Attachment can simply be thought of as our emotional connections—or bonds—to others. Attachment theory is scientific theory, like gravity and evolution! Theories help us explain natural phenomena. Attachment theory is a biological, psychological and social theory that is applied to relationships.

Secure Attachment

Secure attachment happens when people learn how to bond in healthy ways with others, as as they grow and mature. Securely attached people generally have a strong self-belief and are comfortable in relationships with friends, family, romantic partners and others. They are good at communicating vulnerably about their feelings, needs and boundaries.

Insecure Attachment

When we don't learn how to bond in healthy ways, parts of ourselves stop growing and maturing. We become insecurely attached to others because we didn't learn to have a strong self-belief, regulate our emotions, get our needs met or set healthy boundaries. 

Attachment Styles

For people with Anxious Preoccupied attachment style, relationships can often make you feel anxious, unsafe or insecure because you likely have a subconscious fear of abandonment. As a result, you seek more closeness in your relationships, and can feel afraid if you sense a loved one is pulling away.

Integrated Attachment Theory

Integrated Attachment Theory™ is therapeutic approach  that draws together over a dozen psychological and therapeutic approaches, including CBT, Jungian shadow work, core wound healing and narrative therapy. It helps integrate all the parts of ourselves that didn't learn how to form secure attachments. Using practical tools, we learn to grow and mature these parts.

Attachment Coaching

True Self Attachment Coaching is a therapeutic approach to healing relationships. It is not a talking therapy. Using practical tools, you will be supported in transforming your subconscious beliefs, thoughts, emotions and behaviours that hold you back. You will feel immediate change after each session!


The Coaching Program

Together, we will customize a program that is just right for you. You can focus on any and all areas of your life: relationships (romantic, family, friends), emotional, work/education, spiritual, health, financial, creative. You will receive a written summary of your program to make sure we keep on track!

Learn more about how to heal attachment styles with Emily, your True Self coach!

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